Tuesday, 20 September 2011

"The Look" -- Metronomy

And there I was thinking that Gotye was going to have the song of 2011, and then this song sneaks onto my radio only a few days later and changes everything. Just as winter is ending, I find I need a song to shake me out of my hibernation and this year, this was it. Have a listen to the original version down below. The start sounds like you're on the end of Brighton Pier as the carousel is breaking down. From there, it just builds and builds, then collapses onto itself again. But it's those synths. There's your hook, right there. If you're like me, or any of those other commenters below, you'll hit rewind and play it again and again, all spring.

And then summer will come along and we'll hear this version of it everywhere. I'm not sure yet what I think about this. Fred Falke is an old House DJ from the turn of the century. If you listened to Soggy Disco Biscuit -- Volume 6, you would have heard his collaboration with Alan Braxe called "Intro" buried in there somewhere. This is not a bad version, and I'm tempted to start playing it. Chances are it's going to be just the thing for summer.

Download available here

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