Lucky 13! This is the 13th podcast which means a full year, 12 months, 365 days of Soggy Disco Biscuit mixtape madness. It's been a lot of fun and a lot of disco. Some of these sets have been better than others. Some have made it onto blogs, onto people's Facebook pages, onto the airwaves.
Some highlights for me have been the amount of attention the mixtapes have received when posted on the AOR Disco website. Both
Volume 5 and the
BalAORic Mix received over 1500 plays from the traffic from this one site alone. Another highlight was having Volume 5 played on Lithuanian Radio on Sunday night last September. Check out that show
I think my favourite mixtape is
Volume 7. It's just such a great collection of disco from a lot of eras.
Volume 8 was a particular favourite, as well.
All up, the mixtape has been played 2077 times and downloaded 4453 times in twelve months. And that's just through the
podomatic site. There's also plenty of hits on the
Soundcloud -- 2545 in total.
So what have I got for you this month. Well, as promised, it's a bit of a 'best of' the last 12. I've started with a Radiohead song to try and get my mate Mick at least a little bit interested. I don't think it worked, though. His comment was the same as every month. Crap! Oh well, his loss! From there, a range of some of my favourite hits from the last twelve shows, and a few that I just liked.
April, 2012
"Iron Lung (Virgin Magnetic Material Remix)" -- Radiohead
"So Good, So Right (Casual Encounters Edit)" -- Imagination
"Running Away (manmademusic edit)" -- Roy Ayers
"West Coast Drive" -- V.I.P. Connection
"Think Twice" -- The Detroit Experiment
"Modular Jam (Say Again Remix)" -- Moullinex
"I Want Your Love (Todd Terje Edit) -- Chic
"I Was A Teenage DJ Pt 1 (extended)" -- Teenage DJ aka Greg Wilson
"Love Recycled 1 (Original Mix)" -- Solomun
"Somebody That I Used To Know (RUFUS Re-edit)" -- Gotye Feat. Kimbra
"Snake Charmer" -- Bag Raiders
"We Belong (soggy disco biscuit breakdown)" -- Pat Benatar
or if you prefer the soundcloud widget